Sprinkler System Winterization
It is very important to winterize your sprinkler system in Colorado Springs, usually in the late Fall. Freezing temperatures can destroy sprinkler systems that have not been properly drained and winterized.
Valves, sprinkler heads and piping can freeze, rupture and break, resulting in costly sprinkler repair in the Spring, and potentially high water bills if the breaks are underground and the leaks go undetected.
Sprinkler System Blowout
Not every sprinkler installation company in Colorado Springs uses the same sprinkler system winterization equipment. There are many types of air compressors and we use a tow-behind compressor that has an air output of 200 CFM. That’s plenty of air to get a quality sprinkler system blowout.
The pressure is not excessive, but the amount of air is constant even with a large commercial system and is able to easily remove all the water in your sprinkler system.
We Have All Of The Sprinkler Parts Necessary
We are prepared with every fitting necessary to connect to your system and get the job done right.
When we arrive, we turn off the system at the point of connection, open any system drains, connect the air compressor to the system and blow out all of the lines, and open any drains on the outside of the house.
We also set all valves on the pressure vacuum breaker to the positions that they need to be in for the freezing weather to avoid any residual water left behind that could damage your expensive valve.
Schedule A Sprinkler System Winterization
It’s easy and fast to schedule a sprinkler system winterization – just give us a call! (719) 499-8873 or use our handy contact form HERE. Either way, we’ll get the job done fast and your sprinkler system will be ready for duty come Spring!