Colorado Springs Lawn Care
We specialize in residential lawn care & landscape maintenance, with over 30 years experience here in Colorado Springs.
Our minimum service includes:
- Season Long LawnMowing
- Pre-Emergent Weed Control (March & April)
- 5 Applications of Turf Fertilizer
- Unlimited Turf Weed Control
- Unlimited Off Lawn Weed Control for weeds in cracks and crevices in driveway, mulch beds, and rock beds
You can add these additional lawn care services:
- Springtime Short Mowing and Cleanup
- Core Aeration
- Monthly Edging
- Sprinkler System Activation, Inspection and 1st Adjustment
- Sprinkler System Winterization
- Sprinkler System Repair billed by the hour plus parts
- Yard Clean-up billed by the hour
- Shrub Trimming billed by the hour
If you have any questions call or Email Keith (719) 499-8873 or
What you can expect:
The lawn care season begins in March and April with springtime short mowing to get the embedded debris cleaned up from the turf areas, edging, and fertilizer and weed control.
Pre-Emergent Weed Control is applied in late March to early April, and is applied the same day as the first application of Fertilizer and Weed Control. The Pre-Emergent Weed control takes care of the crabgrass and other weed grasses.
Core aeration begins in early April, mowing begins in mid to late April, and sprinklers should be ready for activation in the last week of April or the first week in May.
Edging is scheduled monthly through the season.
Weed control is applied on an as-necessary basis to keep your lawn and concrete areas weed free. Fertilizer is applied 5 times at approximately 6 week intervals.
We mow into late October.
The sprinkler system winterization begin in mid October. We are available for cleanup and shrub trimming services when you are ready for these services anytime through the season.
Count on The Lawnsmith to service your property with excellence.